Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I want a Delivery job in ohio that paids well with benfits. What is the odds I will get the answer for this.?

I have no CDL but do have a good work history. Couriers, pharmaceutical, independent contractor.... etc Thanks anything maybe helpful
I want a Delivery job in ohio that paids well with benfits. What is the odds I will get the answer for this.?
It gets pretty cold in the winter time in Ohio to be making deliveries on a bicycle. Why don't you try for a desk job with UPS or Fed-X there? You could help load the trucks.

Here is a site that lists several courier services in Ohio. Contact them and see if there is an available position for you in one of these firms:

Good luck in your search.
Reply:You could try here - it seems there's a few about:
gothic names

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