Friday, August 7, 2009

Worried about my Boyfriend having a delivery job...?

My boyfriend has been looking for work for months now, he finally found a really nice job delivering flowers for a florist shop. I've known many people that have died in car accidents and I can't help but worry about him being on the road ALL DAY like that. This is literally the first job offer he's had in along time, so it's important that he keeps this job. Any advice on how to ease my worried mind? Thanks!
Worried about my Boyfriend having a delivery job...?
Think of the flowers he'll bring you?

I say good on him for trying and trying until he got himself a job, You should give him a loving hug and kiss each morning and look forward to his return at the end of his working day. He's in no more danger doing this job than doing anything else, I'd say. Your worries are understandable but unfounded.

Hey, good luck to you both!
Reply:You can't look at it like that. Just because he is driving all day doesn't mean he will be in an accident. An accident can happen just pulling out of the driveway or say the only place he went in one week was to walgreens and back , he still can get in an accident to and from walgreens.. you get what i am saying? You are being selfish and need to relax .. Just keep in contact with him during the day but do not be over obsessive... Good luck
Reply:just forget about the accident.
bakugan names

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